
Tucklesholme has a great opportunity for wildfowl because of it two main pit which can hold wintering and migrating wildfowl, but the numbers of wildfowl used to be effected by the working on the Quarry but now the workings are coming to a stop and the creation of the wetland will be created which will also have disturbance in the water levels but the sooner it is finished the better it will be for all wildlife.

European Wigeon - Anas Penelope
The Wigeon is a common wintering duck to Staffordshire and like to settle at any large volume of water that they can find and usually come back every year.

When Tucklesholme was a working Quarry the water level would not be consistent and some tims not much water in it at all. But in 2016 the river Trent flooded the pit and was used by multiple different water birds through out the end of February and spring. Now the creation of the reserve is starting to take place through the winter of 2016, which means some of the water will have to drained out which could cause disturbance in the duck numbers, but you have to make sacrifices so this Quarry can be turned into a full developed wetland reserve.

Gadwall - Anas strepera
The Gadwall is another common species to Tucklesholme, mainly can be see in pairs in about flocks of five or six and gather on the edges of the main pit between the winter and spring months. The difference in water level will have an effect on the numbers of Gadwall present.

Common Teal - Anas crecca
The Teal is a common bird to Tucklesholme and usually seen for the late summer (only in small numbers) up until the spring and through out the winter month the numbers of wintering Teal will increase dramatically. In 2016 on the 24/12/16 we had about 52 birds which is a big increase.

Teal can be recognized by there horizontal white line, green patch around the eye, chestnut coloured head and yellow on the rump. But if you are looking through a flock of Teal and you happen to stumble across a bird with a white bar not a horizontal white line the you have found a Green Winged Teal.

Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos
A very common species to Tucklesholme and that about it really.

Northern Pintail -  Anas acuta

The Pintail is one of my most favourite ducks which don't come in large number to Staffordshire so it is always a treat when one turns up. The first report of Pintail was two birds were present on the 5/3/2016. There was another report of Pintail later in the year were three birds were found on the 9/10/2016.

Shoveler - Anas clypeata
The shoveler isn't an uncommon wintering bird to Staffordshire but it is hard to understand the average year to year arrivals because we don't get many, only a couple every winter. Shoveler can usually be found on the main pit. Seven Birds present on the 19/3/15. Two birds present on 25/3/15. The highest number off Shoveler in 2016 was on the 22/8/16 with twelve birds present. Three birds present on the 2/9/16. Two birds present on 16/9/16. Four birds present on 28/9/16. One bird present on the 11/3/17.

Common Pochard - Aythya ferina
Not an uncommon specice in Staffordshire but is a noteworthy bird at Tucklesholme and can usally be identified by there red head and pale body. The first record was on the 15/2/15 with six birds present. In 2016 two birds were present on the 6/3/16.

Tufted Duck -  Aythya fuligula
The Tufted Duck is the most common duck from the Aythya family usually gathers in groups of ten to twenty, but the numbers change from year to year. Not many birds stay around to breed which is a shame. So if you are every over the site be sure to look the rafts of Tufted Ducks in the search for Scaup or even better a Ring Necked duck, both of which I still need for the site.

Goosander - Mergus merganser
A common bird to Tucklesholme. There is a 100% chance that you will see at least one maybe more Goosanders at Tucklesholme. Goosanders can usually be seen on the river in groups of about three to Five.

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