Many of the local birders take part in an aspect of birding called gull watching, this includes standing still for long periods of time scanning through huge flocks of gull (usually in the freezing cold) looking for Caspian Gull, Yellow Legged Gull, Mediterranean Gull (or Med Gull), Glaucous Gull and Iceland Gull. "Where's the fun in that?" I hear you say. Gull watching is very good way of learning the difference between gulls and there different plumages.
Black Headed Gull - Chroicocephalus ridibundus
This species is the most frequent visitor to Tucklesholme and can be see in any time of the year, the largest numbers of black Headed Gull is usually in the winter months when bird are flying over in groups of 10 or 20 and heading to roost in the direction of Chasewater Reservoir.
Lesser Black Backed Gull - Larus fuscus
Another common species over the site. Can be seen all year round, the largest numbers is in winter months when birds sometimes use Tucklesholme as a pre roost site before setting off in the direction of Chasewater.
Herring Gull - Larus argentatus
To other people this species can go by the name of 'Seagull' and is the one most people recognise. Its status at Tucklesholme is the same as the species above.
Yellow Legged Gull - Larus michahellis
This is one of the species of Gull that people look for at gull roosts and can be seen in good numbers in the UK. As I have said before Tucklesholme can be used as a pre roost site and on evening two adult bird dropped in on the 28/9/16.
Great Black Backed Gull - Larus marinus
This is not an uncommon bird to Tucklesholme, it has the same status as the Lesser Black Backed Gull and can be seen in good numbers in the winter time.
Common Tern - Sterna hirundo
The Common Tern is more a migrating bird Tucklesholme rather than a breeding bird. usally seen in groups of five or ten and are seen making their way along the river Trent to their breeding grounds. In 2016 there were seven occasions when Common Tern was seen at Tucklesholme. Two birds seen passing through on the 1/5/17 (J.P M.P).
Arctic Tern - Sterna paradisaea
There has only been one record of Arctic Tern at Tucklesholme. A single bird was seen flying through the site on the 19/5/16 (J.P M.P)
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